Featuring pocket workshops, seminars, and talks from local sport management, education, and industry experts, Huddle Up! promotes regular conversations to further raise the need of proper management of sport in the Philippines.


The Real Score: Understanding
Player’s Contracts and Sport Manager’s Obligations
(March 10, 2017 , Taguig City) with speakers: Mike Reyes and Atty Rebo Saguisag, organized by the National Center for Mediation (NCM) of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), in cooperation with the Sport Management Council of the Philippines.
Defining the Athlete-Sports Agent Relationship and the Art of the DEAL: Decisions, Endorsements, Agreements and Life/Love Lessons
(September 9, 2016, Makati City) with sports agent Mark Daniel Chan.

Developing Outdoor Education in the Philippines
(March 11, 2016, Cebu City) with Eric Bontuyan, owner of the Viajero Outdoor Store and managing director of www.Beyondtvph.com
SportPhil Huddle Up! on reviving the Philippine Sports Institute
(February 25, 2016, Makati City) with SportPhil Founder Geraldine Bernardo and special guest Prof. Henry Daut.